這是去年去拍婚紗照前 攝影師溝通的紀錄 文末附上最後的婚紗照...^^


-Nov 22nd, 2009 攝影師溝通-

拍照前收集了一些資料 想了一下要去哪裡拍 想要呈現什麼樣的風格

和攝影師溝通那天 以下是我準備給攝影師的spreadsheet:

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昨天看到部落格上的倒數計時鐘落到"9"的時候 突然有了一震...

哇 剩下個位數字了ㄟ...

之前對於即將到來的big day 覺得好興奮

大部分的原因 好像和大多數人不同

不是因為可以穿的美美的 當一生一次的公主 也不是因為 終於可以變成某人的人妻

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以下 是3/26那天到君悅試菜後所做的紀錄

因為可憐的新郎當時還在美國辛苦的工作 (他真的很想來...因為婚禮當天都吃不到啊 XD)





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繼上一篇夢幻版之後 在這裡即po出"真實版".......





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OK...以下是一月份寫的婚禮小物wedding favor shopping 日誌

之前隱藏起來 是因為肖想真的來給他買一下

但實在真的太貴了 在眾人的勸退聲中

就只能當作"夢幻版" 大家看看就好...^^

有空來紐約第五大道上的專賣店 自己買一顆試試....嗚 美麗的婚禮小物...拜拜...

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接近二月底 大家都在提醒我 "啊 這是你最後一個單身的生日了ㄟ..."

oh...這樣啊 好像沒有太大的感覺

生日前一周的禮拜五 收到一個UPS包裹 小小一個盒子 很輕



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太可怕了 這篇千萬不能讓我媽看到

如果他發現我如此放肆 絕對會把我唸到死.....唉 一個完全不覺悟 沒決心 的 準胖新娘啊.....>___<


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This is my last "Single" Valentine's Day...

Steven told me on Friday that he had a "surprise" for me...and asked me to get ready by 12:00 pm on Sat

We jumped in a taxi at 12:20 pm and headed to Columbus circle...then I know, we are going to Asiate at Mandarin Oriental!

The restaurant is at 35F...next to Central Park...with amazing view


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上禮拜六外面只有華氏13度 (大概是攝氏-11度)


在家整理照片 準備婚禮的喬段

我們各自寫了故事 一張張掃描照片 一起回憶


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We decided to focus on our search in one neighborhood this time- Upper West Side. I personally like West side better than East size due to more subway lines running on the west side. Originally I planned to visit 8 buildings this time- but we ended up visiting 11 buildings (from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm). Overall, there are several old building (pre-war building) but recently bought by another developers. Developers will renovate the apts (usually put in new kitchen appliance & clean up bathroom) and then re-sell the apts. We saw many of this type today. My Favorite of the day is #2, and Steven's favorite is # 11. Both, unfortunately, are outside of our price range at this point. Hope they will reduce the price soon. For #2, I personally cannot find anything I don't like. (location, interior, view, lighting....all perfect!) # 6 and # 10 can also be considered given the price with renovated kitchen/bathrooms.

Open house schedule_0131.JPG



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