目前分類:House Hunting (8)

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上個weekend我們辦了House warming party- 算是將這陣子的house project做了一個完結


先是讓contractor搞了兩個多禮拜 (敲牆壁 掛電視 掛吊燈 粉刷 壁紙….etc)

再來去了趟法國 所以unpacking沒有任何進度


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不像上次ATL搬家 大概足足搞了一個禮拜 最後還要出動Angela來幫我搬

可見在紐約空間小也是有好處的- 沒有地方可以放任合不需要的東西 所以兩個人也沒多少東西可以打包


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 距離我們第一次的House Hunting Trip (Jan 3rd, 2010)

Aug 11th, 2010 剛好滿220

這中間 一開始是每個禮拜天不管天氣多寒冷 (華氏15) 都很認真的去看4-6個房子 然後再回來很認真的寫報告 (詳見 House Hunting)

到了二月底 覺得不確定工作到底會在哪裡 所以減緩了找房子的速度

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親愛的Dining Set:




House Warming時 我煮了一些Asian food招待我的美國朋友們

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We decided to focus on our search in one neighborhood this time- Upper West Side. I personally like West side better than East size due to more subway lines running on the west side. Originally I planned to visit 8 buildings this time- but we ended up visiting 11 buildings (from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm). Overall, there are several old building (pre-war building) but recently bought by another developers. Developers will renovate the apts (usually put in new kitchen appliance & clean up bathroom) and then re-sell the apts. We saw many of this type today. My Favorite of the day is #2, and Steven's favorite is # 11. Both, unfortunately, are outside of our price range at this point. Hope they will reduce the price soon. For #2, I personally cannot find anything I don't like. (location, interior, view, lighting....all perfect!) # 6 and # 10 can also be considered given the price with renovated kitchen/bathrooms.

Open house schedule_0131.JPG



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Finally the temperature is above 0 egree C. It feels much better walking outside now, though it rained today. Our focus area today is from midtown west to upper east side. We visited 6 different buildings. After visiting the first 3 buildings, I felt I made a decision that we should focus on old but decent building with well-maintained/newly renovated interior. Because I think our price range for 2 bed room won't bring us to decent new construction. Until the 4th one, I think I found a new construction with some decent work...but it's not that close the subway....so...nothing is ideal.

This is also the first time I explored some units at the east side. I personally liked the west side better due to more selections of subway lines. Most buyers we ran into in the east side units are "family buyer" vs. west side are more "young professional buyers".

Overall, I like the #1 and #4 the best.

Open house schedule_0124.JPG


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Another "good day" for house hunting. It was 20 degree F (-6 degree C) outside. A little bit windy but sunny. This time, I used Streeteasy.com's "Open house planner", very useful tool. It seems there are many people shopping/ looking for houses now- agents ran out of their price sheet very quickly.

Here is our house hunting tour:

Open house schedule_0110.JPG



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We chose a GREAT day to start our house huntting in NYC: 15 degree F (-9 degree C) outside with slight snow.

hmm... "fun" to walk around the city with this crazy weather!

We have been using curbed.com to look for couple apartments we are interested in. We targeted to visit 5 items today (we missed one but walked in a random one). Here is the tour:



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