
我還是盡量維持著一個月update Aaden相簿一次的習慣
因為要從iphone, sony 相機, 朋友寄來的照片, 還有nanny每天幫Aaden照的記錄中挑
另外再一張張寫caption- 也是可以全部upload比較快,
趁這個機會把我這一年的update email集結在一起, 也當作是一年的記錄囉~
12th Month
Aaden's 12th month online album has been updated. This month Aaden enjoyed the summer in NYC by going to US open game, a day trip at Coney Island, and picnics along Hudson River. Aaden also started classes at Kidville, and loves their music & dance classes! Most importantly, Aaden attended 3 birthday parties, including one of his own. He truly had a busy and happy month!
12th month album:
Video on Aaden's birthday:
Aaden's "First Grab" (a Taiwanese tradition on 1st birthday)
Dance with Birthday song & smash the cake
10th & 11th Month
Aaden's 10th and 11th month online albums have been updated. In his 10th month, he tasted meat for the first time (chicken) and enjoyed dinning out with us by using the high chair. He also had a great time playing with Nate & Ian in NYC and most importantly, started his world adventure by taking his first international flight back to Asia.
In his 11th month, he met most of you in Malaysia and Taiwan. He had his 3rd and 4th teeth come out and started making different sounds (other than da-da...). He clapped his hand when he is happy, waving to people when he hears "bye-bye", and shaking his body (dancing) when he hears music. With your love and support, he is truly a happy little boy!
9th Month
Aaden's 9th month online album has been updated. Aaden reached another developmental milestone this month - he can now walk by holding on the couch or along the table. Aaden always has a good time playing with his adorable girl friends- Emily and Allison. He now has 2 teeth and is happily trying various solid foods: from veggies, fruits, rice, to rice biscuits.
He survived from his first cold where he remained active even when he was sick. A strong baby - mommy is very proud of you!
8th Month
Aaden's 8th month online album has been updated. Aaden is getting more active every day- crawling, standing and loves grabbing everything in sight. He is also starting to understand words "turtle", "lion", "monkey" and able to grab them correctly. His first official first word is "Da-Da" and once a while when mommy asked him to "clap his hand", he will happily do so. Very cute!
7th Month
Aaden's 7th month online album has been updated. This past month, Aaden had several "first time" experiences: first time picnic at Central Park, first time attending a wedding, first time meeting his cousins from Ireland, and first time meeting friend JR from California! He likes almost every vegetable/fruits he tried, except broccoli. Other than crawling, he now also can stand up by himself for a while and pretty much declares that the entire house as his territory!
Hope you enjoy seeing his big smile as much as we do!
6th Month
Aaden's 6th month online album has been updated. Aaden is now getting very active. He loves to play the swing at Central Park and can sit up by himself without support. He also starts crawling (very fast), and is curious of exploring surrounding (by putting everything in his mouth
Hope you enjoy seeing his big smile as much as we do!
5th Month
Aaden's 5th month online album has been updated. Highlight of this month including Aaden's first NBA game to witness Linsanity, and cousin Sara visiting from SF! Aaden is now more aware of the surrounding and likes to use his hands to touch/grab everything. He always gives mommy and daddy a big smile when we come home after work.
4th Month
Aaden's 4th month online album has been updated. There are full of "events" happening this month- mommy returned back to work on 1/11; U.William & A.Kristy visited us from Taiwan- we celebrated Chinese New Year together and went on Aaden's first ski trip; on Aaden's 4 month birthday (1/28), we held a party with his "Stop Drooling" ceremony.
We hope to share these great moments with you. Here are the links to the album as well as the video for the "stop drooling" ceremony:
4 month album:
"Stop Drooling" ceremony:
3rd Month
Aaden's 3rd month online album has been updated. Aaden continues his "first time" journey, inlcluding: first time meeting "Santa", having his first Xmas tree & gifts, and first road trip to Jersey shore/AC and then visit U. Sam's family for New Year. He started to smile a lot and liked to "talk" to us by making baby noises. At his tummy time, he always raised his head high- looks like he can't wait to see the world- a very curious & active baby!
Aaden's 3rd month online album has been updated. Aaden continues his "first time" journey, inlcluding: first time meeting "Santa", having his first Xmas tree & gifts, and first road trip to Jersey shore/AC and then visit U. Sam's family for New Year. He started to smile a lot and liked to "talk" to us by making baby noises. At his tummy time, he always raised his head high- looks like he can't wait to see the world- a very curious & active baby!
We hope to share these great moments with you. Happy New Year!
2nd Month
Aaden's 2nd month online album has been completed. He has experienced many "first time" in this month- first time going out dinner, first time to outlet mall, first time to dim sum, first time on a short road trip outside of Manhattan..etc. Also, Aaden had his first Thanksgiving with grandparent from Taiwan. We would like to share these great moments with you. :)
1st Month
Time flies! Aaden is now almost 1.5 month old. He is gettng bigger and heavier. We try to capture his changes every day and have created the below online albums. We will contine adding new pictures. Hope to share these great memories with you!